Join us in this year’s retreat program!
Our annual winter retreat will be in a hotel setting to accommodate families in a better way.
Many renown guests will be visiting over from all over the world, to share their knowledge and experience in understanding the Risale-i Nur.
First and foremost, Husnu Bayramoglu, a renown student and companion of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the author of the Risale-i Nur Collection, will honor our retreat (awaiting final confirmation).
In addition, Prof. Ahmet Akgunduz, who is the rector (president) of the Rotterdam Islamic University in the Netherlands (, will be joining us.
Ali Cetinkaya, who the Turkish TV audience is familiar with through his Dost TV shows, will also be with us.
We are very excited and we hope to bring you a wonderful retreat, in collaboration with our friends all across the US.
When: 22-29 December 2013
Where: Grand Hotel, Ocean City, MD
More details will be coming soon. Feel free to contact us for more details and reservation information.